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What have we learned from EPLUG and ARtemis, what are the results and how do they benefit our sector and members?

Anu Vaagen and Raili Laas, who represented ELCA in these two projects and brought in the expertise on behalf of our sector, will present the outcomes of these projects during the next CoF online inspiration. This session, for which you are kindly invited, takes place on Friday January 31st, 2025. 

Session recording available under session recap.


Raili Laas

Exchange Team at ELCA

Anu Vaagen

Exchange Team at ELCA

Participating in EPLUG and ARtemis was a great opportunity for ELCA.

What were these projects about? A short summary to give you an impression and to make you curious:

EPLUG (European Platform for Urban Greening)

How can we connect the vocational training needs of businesses with the vocational training opportunities at schools? We build on a network of Centres for Vocational Excellence in different European countries and enhanced the cooperation between these centres. ELCA took the role of Knowledge Hub. Together we developed, amongst others, innovative curricula to promote biodiversity, climate adaptation and well-being in urban environments.


The Artemis project focused on transforming the way landscape gardening professionals develop their skills by integrating nature's principles with modern digital tools. By addressing the growing demand for digital expertise in our profession, ARtemis introduced new opportunities with digital techniques like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to support training and professional development.

Take a tour in the virtual environment HERE
